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Meet Mr and Mrs Bunny a most adorable and busy bunny couple prepared to charm! Such a lovely couple. Mr Bunny is wearing a plaid shirt with a tweed waistcoat, while Mrs Bunny is wearing a tweed dress with spotted trimmings. She is holding a basket full of carrots and flowers in one hand and flowers in the other hand. Aren't they lovely? Mr. Bunny is holding a carrot in one hand and a shovel in the other.

Measurements: Each Bunny is approximately Measurements: cm 21x17x58H (ears extended)

Price per Couple

We at Shengifts are jumping with joy over these Easter décor arrivals - (we only have one of each in this model - they are exclusive). But beware, as buying one of these bunnies can lead you to buy more. They seem to breed like, well, rabbits.


Mr & Mrs Bunny in Soft Fur Natural Fiber with Carrot or Butterfly Net - 58cms

Design: MR & MRS BUNNY - xx08.80
  • Free delivery in Malta on orders over €35 and in Gozo on orders over €50.  On other orders, there is a €5 charge.  Otherwise pickup from Fgura.


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